Day Trading

I wish life was like a VCR...this way we could fast-forward pass the hard part which is... First! learning candlestick charting using software platforms and brokerage account. Learning technical analysis to determined market direction leading towards understanding the "Don't Make me think strategy." Begin with the end in mind...and you will experience the most rewarding aspect of Day Trading...Not having to ask anyone what you should or how to invest in the financial markets. This course is all about learning how to day trading in any market within the rules of your strategy called "Don't Make me Think." It takes you from the beginning and is designed with you in mind as if you know nothing! Requiring lots of repetitious training and having access to repeated Information builds a well proven trading strategy and working understanding on how to place actual live trade within the markets. From setting up charts to seeing the work pay-off at the site of revenue being transferred into you bank account is the most exciting rewards one could ask for... Even though this is NOT financial advice nor am I a financial advisor, learning how to day trade offers a hands on experience for future investment made by understanding how to analyze patterns within the market that gives you an edge on the direction with risk reward management practices tailored towards your strategy within the makes. This course will take the guess work out trading without having to spending thousands on over priced training schools cramming months of  information into a few week course teaching far less. You also get the benefits of having everything you need to know in one place with one instructor who is just as passionate about Day Trading as you are.

What you will learn in this course?

  • Basic understanding of what is day trading and understanding candlesticks chart pattern within the market of technical analysis.

  • Using the TradingView platform software to apply charts understand indicators Trendlines confirmation calculations and more.

  • Within its simplest form a beginner as well as a season Trader will appreciate this course because of its simplicity.

  • Learning multiple strategizing indicators i.e. stochastic, MACD, RSI, Volume, support and resistance, Moving averages, And many more.

  • Setting up a brokerage trading account, risk reward management, repetitious practice becoming trainable before teachable.

  • Learning lessons within lessons along with valuable reference guides towards other educational recommendations preventing useless educational expenses.